Link to Walter Reed Army Medical Center

The SFAC is a team consisting of enlisted Soldiers and civilian employee appointed by the Garrison Commander to coordinate resources and act as a point of contact for patients and their family members.

The SFAC is open to assist patients who have been evacuated to Walter Reed Army Medical Center from Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). The SFAC also assists the family members of those patients. The SFAC encourages family members to come to the SFAC after arriving at WRAMC. SFAC staff will attempt to answer any questions you may have during your stay.


The Soldier Family Assistance Center (SFAC) is a comprehensive centralized coordinating office that provides a variety of services for Warriors in Transition and their Family members, who come to WRAMC to visit and aid in their recovery. Under the US Army Garrison Walter Reed, the SFAC supports the Hospital and Warrior Transition Brigade Commands, by developing, coordinating and providing designated services that address complex administrative and personal needs involving Warriors in Transition and their Family members.

Who We Are

The following services are either specifically provided by the SFAC directly to WTs and their families, or coordinated by the SFAC, with other Walter Reed departments and agencies:

Military Personnel and In/Out Processing

Finance - Military Pay Travel Pay and per diem reimbursements

Emergency Financial Assistance Money Management/Problem Solution

ID Cards- DEERS enrollment Travel Services - Air transport

Donations Management- receiving and disbursing

Logistics - ground transportation Housing - Lodging

Internet Access and Respite Care Room

Department of Army Casualty Branch

Family Assistance and support Programs

Military Chaplains - religious and Pastoral Counseling Services

TSGLI (Traumatic Serviceman's Group Life Insurance)

Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2)

Component Liaison NCOs (National Guard and Army Reserve)

Branch Liaisons NCOs (Marine, Air Force and Navy)

Unit Liaison NCOs (Representative of WT's combat unit)

Child and Youth Services - (Free Child Care)

Child and adolescent psychiatry

Exceptional Family Member Program

Installation Access

Vehicle Registration

Retirement Services

Department of Veterans Affairs

Veterans Benefits Counseling

Veteran Service Organizations (American Legion, VFW, DAV etc.)

Education/ Employment

Army Education Center

Army Career Alumni Program (ACAP)

Job Fairs

Social Security Administration

Legal Assistance - Counseling/Taxes/Wills/Powers of Attorney/Guardianship/Claims

Reintegration Assistance

Relationship Building - Communication Skills

Relocation Services

Information and Referral Services

Morale Welfare and Recreation (MWR) Activities

Federal government programs - Dept. of Health and Human Services, Dept. of Labor

Medicare and Medicaid

State government services

Please note that SFAC services and assistance is not limited to the services listed above. It directly provides some of them, but for others, it is a clearing house and referral source for a wide spectrum of information and services that can be of significant benefit to WTs and their families. If you have a non-medical issue and are not sure of who assists, start with the SFAC!


The following handbooks have been compiled as resources for wounded warriors and their families:

Our Hero Handbook

Warrior In Transition Handbook

Walter Reed Army Medical Center Roles During Military Operations

Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) is committed to providing comprehensive health care and services to all military beneficiaries. An important factor in the recovery of health for every patient is the quality of family and community support.

During military operations, family and community support are especially critical in light of the need to coordinate services to allow for the family and community reunion process. Patients evacuated from a Theater of Operations and their family members expect the best possible support from military health care facilities throughout all echelons of medical care. In order for the reunion and recovery processes to function efficiently and effectively, close coordination is needed. This process will be facilitated through a coordinated effort of medical, administrative, and psychosocial supportive services of WRAMC through the Soldier Family Assistance Center (SFAC).

Special consideration is given to personnel medically evacuated from military Theatres across the operational continuum. This includes Low, Medium, and High Intensity conflicts. It also includes Operations Other Than War, such as Humanitarian, Nation-Building, and Peacekeeping Operations.

Walter Reed Army Medical Center.<