Upcoming HeroBracelets interview.

Tags: HeroStories

Chris Greta joins BlogTalkRadio host Paul Couturier on “Independently Correct Radio” February 1st, 2009, at 8:00 PM EST

President of The Ad Ranch of Austin, TX, developed the idea for HeroBracelets.

Chris Greta, founder of HeroBracelets.org will appear on BlogTalkRadio’s show “Independently Correct Radio (http://blogtalkradio.com/icradio) with host Paul Couturier on Sunday, February 1st, at 8:00 PM EST. The exclusive interview will highlight HeroBracelets.org and the support they give to military families, Soldiers, and wounded warriors!

Callers are welcome to join the conversation during the show by calling (646) 478-5261. Owners/wearers of HeroBracelets are especially encouraged to call in and share the story of the Soldier whose name is on their bracelet. The live, Internet talk-radio show will stream from the Show Page at http://blogtalkradio.com/icradio.

“This exclusive interview with Chris Greta is a must-listen for anyone from a military family or anyone who supports the troops and their mission,” said Paul Couturier, host of the program. “HeroBracelets.org has been a source of strength, comfort, and support for so many military families, Soldiers, and wounded warriors since its founding in 2004 by Chris Greta.”

About “Independently Correct Radio”

“Independently Correct Radio” is an interactive, live Internet talk-radio show that focuses on news, politics, the military, and other important current events, issues, and topics. Host Paul Couturier engages callers in an independent, open-minded discussion of show topics, free from the political correctness of conservatism and liberalism. Callers are encouraged to call (646) 478-5261 to listen or ask questions. The stream and archives are available at http://blogtalkradio.com/icradio. The show is live every Sunday night at 8:00 PM EST/5:00 PM PST. The show is hosted on BlogTalkRadio.

About BlogTalkRadio

BlogTalkRadio is a free, web-based platform which allows any user with a phone and a computer to host a live, interactive Internet broadcast. Hosts call into the service by phone, managing callers on the web-based host dashboard. Shows stream live directly from the host’s BlogTalkRadio page with archives available for all past shows. BlogTalkRadio’s social radio network can be found at http://blogtalkradio.com.

Paul Couturier is from North Attleboro, MA. He is a Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and currently serves in the United States Army Reserve.