Rembering a Hero. SSG Christopher S. Kiernan
SSG Christopher S. Kiernan was killed in action 5/6/07, my husband
SSG Chris Kiernan served 17 years, 9 months and 3 days in the Army. His time in the service took him to Germany, Bosnia, Somolia, Haiti, Dessert Storm, Iraq, Katrina relief and back to Iraq. Chris's MOS was 19K, a tank commander on a M1A2 Abrahms tank. We were married 12/29/2001. It seem like such a short time, and living without him has been extremely tough, and sad. Most people never experience the kind of love and marriage we had. Chris was a care taker. He took care of his family first, and he took care of the younger soldiers. We would often take in a younger soldier that was struggling with whatever life threw his way. We built so many friendships with so many great people. Chris's body was brought home from Dover by his friend SGT Matthew York. Guys from Chris's unit continue to check on me and help me. I know Chris is proud!
Donna Kier