Remembering PFC Sean D. Tharp
I purchased a HeroBracelet for my husband when his best friend, PFC Sean D Tharp was killed in action on March 28, 2006. My husband served with him and his loss really affected him during the deployment. He kept telling me that he wanted to get something to remember Tharp by and when I came across HeroBracelets I knew that would be just what he was needing.
My husband was due back from Iraq just a couple of weeks before Christmas so I kept the bracelet a secret and decided to give it to him as a present. On Christmas morning, he actually opened the bracelet first and we spent several minutes just hugging and crying. He told me it was the best present I could have given him.
Since then, he has proudly worn his HeroBracelet everyday and now wants to order a HeroTag for another fallen soldier he served with. I purchased a Deployed HeroBracelet at the same time even though he was a few months away from coming home because I believe in the cause. Keep up the wonderful work!
Valerie Rose
Fort Hood,