My son, the Marine.

Tags: HeroStories

My son, SSgt Kevin Paul Welsh is currently in Iraq for his 2nd

deployment.  He is most definitely MY HERO.  He joined the Marines

almost 12 years ago.  His Father and I are very proud of him and what he

is doing.  When he was in Iraq the last time was when I found out about

the Hero Bracelet.  I ordered one for myself.  It wasn't long before

other family members wanted one.  He even asked me to get one that said

Grandson.  I wasn't sure why because his Grandfather who was in the

Marines passed away a few years ago.  When he came home we went to Ohio

to visit.  I had given him the bracelet that he wanted and he asked to

go the cemetery.  He bent the bracelet and stuck it into the ground

right at the headstone but it stuck out enough so that you could see it.

It was very hard to keep from crying watching him do this.

When his Grandfather passed away he was in Japan he got to come home for

the service and since it was a military funeral he was asked if he would

hand the flag to his Grandmother.  At first he said there was no way.

He decided he couldn't be apart of the ceremony but they could hand him

the flag and he would give it to his Grandmother.  The place was so

silent when they handed it to him and as he reached down to give it to

her there was one tear streaming down his cheek.  Everyone watched and

they were in ah at what a young man he had become.  On that day he

became the hero of most of the people in attendance.

As I wear my bracelet it gives me great pride and it opened doors for me

to talk about my son and where he is at.  Many people who have family

members in the service asked where I got it and I send them the web


I think this is a wonderful thing.  Our family members serving need to

know how proud we are of them and by wearing this bracelet it is a small

way of saying thank you for everything they are doing.  They are very

'special' men and women!

Loretta We